Saturday, September 5, 2009


September 7, 2009

There are so many things to which we do not have the answers. The unknown. Have you ever noticed that when you're connected with others, in conversation, in tragedy, in triumph, there is a "different... deeper" experience for yourself? The more we isolate, hide, and remain inauthentic; the more separated we feel. Connections are so important. The entire mission of SM Management is to aid people through the fear, to face the shame and rewire their habitual patterns long enough to connect to themselves. Love, understanding and compassion for self is the only way for us to have the capacity to love, understand and have compassion for another.

The Deeply Personal
by Mark Nepo

Everything personal if faced belongs to everyone,

the way water riding up the chest of a horse returns to the river once the horse has crossed.

The deeply personal aspect of search,

which seems at times unbearable, leads us to the deeply common well

which once immersed in

tells us there is nothing else to search for.

Like snails who curl in shells

to be tossed by the sea, the soul

finds a life to inhabit.

So close your eyes and chance

to see your self from the inside.

Have you ever chanced seeing yourself from the inside? Was it terrifying? How did you survive? What did you discover?

Upcoming Opportunities to Connect:

Share your comments at

Join Core Conversations In Action on Facebook. It's a closed group for the opportunity to create a safe space where we can be willing to share our truths. Email me at if you'd like to join in the conversation and I'll send you an invitation.

I'm thrilled to announce the new monthly FREE Core Conversations In Action Connection Party. Direct from your own home! Every holiday season (3 year anniversary - blog formerly called Emotional Money I've listed very specific practices to help prepare you for the holiday "spend fest." This season let's actually do the preparation together! Face your unopened mail, clear your files, share your fears and shed your shames. Together let's create the action plan that will aid us all in entering 2010 living from our core - aligned & in action, inspired, fulfilled and consistently FREE!

Monday September 28, 2009 9pm-10pm

Monday, October 26, 2009 9pm-10pm

Monday, November 30, 2009 9pm-10pm

Monday, December 28, 2009 9pm-10pm

Please RSVP at and the call-in line information will be provided.

Be sure to mark your calendars.

If you'd like to be added to the Core Conversation In Action blog email list, please email me at and receive the monthly emails directly in your "mailbox."

Enjoy the holiday!

Thank you Amanda & Tim for getting me all set up on Facebook!

Thank you Charlotte for getting my website and business cards updated so quickly.
Thank you Renee & Joanne for holding me accountable and for your wonderful coaching!
And thank you S and N for the wonderful dialogue, inquiry and conversations this month.